ya, saya adalah seorang yang pemarah-tapi bukan roti bakar. itu hanyalah judul belaka.
hari ini kerjaan gua cuma mikirin tugas yang ga ada habisnya. tugas yang ngasih siapa ?
The answer is TEACHER. yeah hell.
hari ini kerjaan gua cuma mikirin tugas yang ga ada habisnya. tugas yang ngasih siapa ?
The answer is TEACHER. yeah hell.
sekarang jam berapa sih ?
*mengalihkan topik pembicaraan diatas -_-
Honestly gua lagi galau sekarang. dalem hati gua bilang "mudah mudahan orangnya ga baca setelah gua nulis tentang dia di blog ini" amin.
begini ceritanya,
now, I fall in love with someone who has a girlfriend.
sometimes I say to myself "I should be able to get the guy" or "no, don't you ever think to get him. he doesn't like you"
But it's possible to steal her boyfriend to be mine HA-HA *cruel
he have something that make me interested. handsome, cute and he's kind. and I like the groove of your talk boy :)
I feel your fever
for long time, I waiting for someone to loving. (kesepian ceritanya)
what should I do ? so I wanna take him from her to be me.
yeah, actually I can find another guy, but now I just want him. haha maksa banget
I hate his girlfriend. I think she doesn't love him anymore. she just played with him. she's DISGUSTING. she just can hurt you but beside it you feel happy when you near her. I know, she have anything that I haven't, and she can get you easilly.
I can't do anything and now I just can waiting. someday you'll know, you've take wrong decision.
it feels good to feel this way, I think :(
nyeh, daripada jadian ? mending kaya gini terus. tapi nyakitin juga sih. ya mau gimana lagi coba?
Inilah galau
damned indecision and cursed pride, kept my love for him locked deep inside.
sumpah lebay banget ini -____-
sumpah lebay banget ini -____-