I'm ready to go outside :D
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
TIK task
Jumat, 30 September 2011
hey that's my other blog. you can join and comment.
last week Im hangout with my friend, Iiq. I kinda miss her. I miss how we watch horror movie together
I sent her text. maybe I wanna hangout with her tomorrow. hm I think bookstore not bad. we're gonna find some stuff, books, clothes, and DVD. it's all the things that me and Iiq like.
"Relationships are messy and people's feeling get hurt"
that's true. my friends get hurt because their boyfriend/girlfriend. they can't keep the relationship because many little thing wich they can't solve.
As tired and miserable feeling as I am today. you know, I freaking hate chemistry! I don't get it when the teacher said about the matherial, it just like 'blah blah blah blah blah' thats words are swimming through my ears. I hate when I want someone to do a simple task and they make the shit difficult hhh.
Everything got soo messed up today, why why why~ I jealous with my close friend. gah they always together, I can see with my eyes!!!! but he said to me when she leaves "hey I wanna go home" then he stroked the top of my head with his fingers. aku galau.
ah let's talk about Brendon,
he is Young, Wild, and Free.
That's it. I'm sleepy. bye. I love you brends.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011
I'm dying, already. Every second I get closer, older.
when Lebaran day, before we eat ketupat and opor ayam, we(my family) usually apologized to each other. Just can't help my self to not let my tears fell down. I'm not strong enough. after that we visit neighbours and my others family. we went by car. Last year we're 5, now we're 7 with my sister and lil cousin.
oh I make my own script haha. the contents is about my imagination about twilight movie. you know, It'll be more interesting if you are the main character on your script. You can be what do you want.
on holiday, so lazy to go out. one important thing that I loving to do, sleep. I ever sepend my day with 65% sleep. ha! what a good day. even I said to mom "Mom please lemme get over-sleep during the holiday. It'll be something rare when school days come." at night before I go to school, "I'm wide awake and I have school at 7am, I get up at 5am though. I wish I didnt have school tomorrow errr" haha
I entered the classroom with yawn face. I get one special gift for yulianih, my best friend. mmm my parents gimme gift too, new glasses. now I have KTP haha. honestly I still want it, chucky's doll for my gift but the problem is who wants to buy me that doll????
now I fall in love with brendon again. I change my background on twitter with his photo, you are so damn cute brends :* ♥ Omg omg why is brendon urie so perfect?! Yepp! He's gorgeous!
hiks. now forget it. talk about something else. okay about my hair, now my hair is soooo long. I said to mom "Mom I wanna cut my hair. it's too long" "no" "why?" "Because I said no" annoying.
ttyl. I'll tell you another story about my day.
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
Edward ♡
I've watching twilight, new moon and eclipse. now I waiting for breaking dawn part 1. They're just romantic, Edward and Bella.
I have stories. Yesterday, I watching eclipse with my mom. There's kissing scene. They're starting in the beginning, damn. She said 'hey ....', ah forget it -_- but I just pretending not looking.
Okay, the awkward moment when I was watching the kissing scene and my mother was sitting right beside me (˘_˘")
let me make this clear, I love Edward NOT Robert. How I wish he is real (-'⌣'-ʃƪ)
last night I searching pict edward and bella. I post it on my tumblr. now I just wondering about everything, including about my love stories haha
after I have meal, I sleep again. then I dreamed about edward. weird.
I hear my things moving. someone was definitely in my room while I was sleeping. Edward Cullen? #whattasuckdream
Edward, you hard to find. lucky to have!
I love vampire!!! lol
Holiday in Ramadhan. I seriously need to get out of the house today but I got nowhere to go so I'll just rot in this bed. I'm really starting to think that mom just wants me to sit in this house. I'm about to freak out.
hey tomorrow is my birthday. I'm 17. hope tomorrow will be my day :)
God please bring me someone into my life haha amin.
Senin, 25 Juli 2011
monday morning
I can't stop smiling haha :3
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
just a smile
frestea, happytos corn chips, taro, chicki ball, looklet, facebook, and this blog accompany me now.
today is useless day. I just, bored. didn't go any studying, didn't out. holymoley. hey, my plants (red beans) grow well in my plastic cups. glad to now that right? yeah, after my other plants (green beans sprout) not grow. and I get 65 for my score. how tragic.
sometimes I'm askin myself why I do some things for you. Why I keep tryin. Why I do this or that. then I know that I....... okay please -_-
well, when we first met I don't feel anything. but, after that 'moment' I felt that he's the only one who cares with each other. he's a kind of nice person and he's really nice to talk with. and he's like my ... who always makes me feel happy. when I get down he's always there beside me. I can forget any problem when I near him. he's everything to me but on the other hand idk how to say that I really love him. I'm not brave enough to say and I'm a girl. I just can wait until he knows it. but it's impossible. see, I am doing what I can but I can't so you know that's a bit too hard to explain. I'll keep you in mind through out my day, thank you for this smile you put on my face ◦'⌣'◦ and I keep this lovely smile on for you hehe.
for that girl. yeah, you. how lucky you are! can get that person into your life. he's nice person, I beg you, don't you ever broke his heart :)
you can't be replaced by the other.
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
and now, you *bipbip* with someone else. God, please help me to handle my feeling about him. I make another mistake again :(
ill miss all of you. Okay please don't be sad now.
It's always my fault right! my bad, always with the wrong person.
Hope you had an awesome time with her. I do have a choice. so I choose that I'll keep this feeling in my heart and let you go with her :')
when the first time I 'like' you, I think that we never be together more than friend. but I can't resist, it just a feeling.
about my heart, I hope I get it fixed for good soon.
and for "my friend", I hate when I think I can trust you. I never want to tell my story with you again. you can't keep my secret. I really really hate you.
Minggu, 10 Juli 2011
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
Penokohan :
Ibu Ihin : Arifka
Ihin : Yoga
Ibu Dacun & Dokter : Dinah
Kuyud : Almer
Ibu Kuyud : Annisa Kus
Kepsek : Ayu
Oyon : Nikko
Ibu Rini : Windy
Tn. Kuyud : Rayyan
Diceritakan ada 3 sekawan bernama Dacun, Ihin, dan Kuyud. mereka berada di kelas pembuangan, yaitu kelas orang-orang yang tidak minat belajar.Pada suatu hari, akan dilaksanakan ulangan matematika.Dacun adalah satu-satunya dari mereka bertiga yang pintar, Ihin hanya pintar dalam 1 bidang musik, sedangkan Kuyud adalah orang yang sangat patuh pada perkataan Ibu nya.
Selesai dibagikannya kertas hasil ulangan matematika
Dacun : kalian ini, aku yakin nanti malam kalian akan diceramahiIhin : aku sudah terbiasa, lebih baik main gitar , Ibuku juga nanti diam
Kuyud : apapun yang Ibuku katakana, aku akan menurutinya
Ihin : kalau Ibumu menyuruhmu memakan kotoran nya apa kau mau?
Kuyud : asalkan Ibuku yang menyuruh, kotoran pun pasti terasa enak
Dacun dan Ihin merasa merinding. Tidak lama kemudian datang Oyon murid kelas unggulan
Oyon : hah 71 ?, kau 4,3. Ini lagi 3,4 ? nilai 7,1 itu paling kecil dikelasku, lihat ini 97
Ihin : apa pedulimu ?hah !
Oyon : cuih dasar orang-orang sampah !
Dacun : hey, apa maksudmu meludahinya ?
Ihin : kurang ajar, rasakan ini!
Ihin lalu memukul Oyon, dan lalu orang-orang disekitar melapornya ke ruang kepala sekolah
Kepsek : Ihin apa benar kau memukulnya ?Oyon : dia memukulku disini ! (sambil menunjuk pipinya yang bonyok)
Ihin : dia meludahiku duluan bu
Dacun : aku saksinya , oyon meludahinya, dan Ihin terpancing emosi
Kepsek : setidaknya kau butuh dua saksi untuk mengelak
Dacun & Ihin : KUYUD !
Lalu Kuyud datang sambil ketakutan
Kuyud : aku tidak melihat apa-apaDacun & Ihin : ACIIIIN !
Kuyud : Ibuku bilang aku tidak boleh ikut campur
Kepsek :Baiklah Ihin, Ibu akan laporkan kau pada Ibumu
Ihin : yasudah terserah kau sajalah
Kepsek : apa kamu bilang ?
Dacun : dia tak bilang apa-apa bu
Kepsek : baiklah, sekarang kalian boleh keluar
Dirumah Ihin.....
Ibu Ihin : apa yang Ibu dengar ini benar?Ihin : dengar apa bu?Ibu Ihin : kamu memukul Oyon kan ? Nilai ulangan matematika mu juga jeblok!
Ihin : benar, dia meludahiku bu ! masalah ulangan, aku memang tidak berbakat (tertawa)
Ibu Ihin : kamu ini, kamu harus belajar, kelas mu ini kelas pembuangan, kau masih saja bermalas-malasan, kali ini Ibu akan mengajarimu
Ihin: baiklah bu
Ibu Ihin : mana yang tidak kamu mengerti?
Ihin : semuanya (tertawa)
Ibu Ihin : baiklah, kita mulai dari yang ini, rumusnya ini di kalikan ini, lalu kau bagi dengan ini. Hasilnya kau kurangi dengan ini, kamu mengerti ?
Ihin hanya menggelengkan kepalanya. Hari itu sampai larut malam Ibu Ihin mengajarinya. Keesokan harinya Ibu Ihin, Ibu Dacun dan Ibu Kuyud bertemu di pasar dan lalu berbincang.
Ibu Ibu Dacun : aduuuh sayang sekali padahal kalau anaku dapat nilai 7.5 dia bisa lepas dari kelas pembuangan.Ibu Kuyud: anaku malah jauh nilainya, tapi aku tidak khawatir, asalkan dia bisa mengurus perusahaan kelak, masa depan nya masih ada harapan
Ibu Ihin : anaku, sepertinya dia memang tidak berbakat, sepulang sekolah dia hanya bermain gitar. Aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, setiap malam aku mengajarinya. Tapi dia tetap tidak mengerti
Ibu Dacun : Lebih baik, bila dia dapat nilai buruk atau tidak mengerti saat di ajari, kamu rotani saja dia suapaya kapok!
Kuyud : kalau aku sih puji saja dia, supaya lebih semangat
Ibu Dacun: ada-ada saja kamu
Ibu Ihin : apa ? merotani nya ? aku tidak tega
Ibu Dacun : benar, lama kelamaan dia akan mengerti
Ibu Ihin : baiklah, akan kucoba
Disekolah ...
Guru baru : anak-anak, Kenalkan nama Ibu Rini, Ibu menggantikan Ibu Janah mengajarkan matematika kepada kalianKuyud : Apa Ibu janah dipecat ?
Murid-Murid : ahahahhahaa, dasar si tukang patuh, apa Ibumu yang yang menyuruhmu mengatakan itu?
Kuyud : aku hanya penasaran, tiba-tiba saja dia menghilang lalu digantikanIbu Rini: beliau sedang cuti, selama dia cuti Ibu yang menggantikanya
Kuyud : ooooh
Ibu Rini : Ibu belum mengetahui kemampuan kalian dalam matematika, besok akan Ibu akan mengadakan ulangan
Ihin : apa?ulangan ?
Ibu Rini : Iya, apa ada masalah?
Dacun : Ihin ssst , mmm. Tidak ada apa-apa bu.
Dirumah Ihin
Ibu Ihin : hiinn, kau sudah belajar ? main gitar terus kau iniIhin : aku nggak ngerti bu, ga ada yg ngajarin
Ibu Ihin : kali ini Ibu serius, kau harus belajar, kalau tidak...
Ihin : kalau tidak apa bu?
Ibu Ihin : dengan berat hati Ibu akan merotanmu (Plak !) Rotan
Ihin : aduh,sakit buuu
Ibu Ihin : makanya kau harus bisa! (PLAK PLAK PLAK PLAK PLAK )
Setelah berhari-hari merotani Ihin, Ibu Ihin kelalahan dan sebenarnya dia tidak tega. Keesokan harinya Ihin merasa tidak bersemangat sekolah, padahal hari itu akan ulangan. Saat itu dikabarkan bahwa Ibu Ihin mendertia kanker darah, dan harus segera mendapat donor cangkok sumsum tulang belakang.
Ihin : Ibu ku sakit parah, kalau dia tidak menerima cangkok sumsum secepatnya umurnya hanya tinggal 3 bulanDacun : apa sudah ada pendonor yang cocok untuknya ?
Ihin : (menggelengkan kepalanya)
Ke 3 nya : haaaah
Lalu menundukan kepala mereka. Tiba-tiba.....
Kuyud : tapi ada bagusnya jugaDacun : apa yud?
Kuyud : biarkan saja Ibumu mati hin, kalau dia mati kan kau tidak akan dirotaninya lagi
Ihin : apa ? apa yang kamu katakan? (PLAK ! Ihin memukul Kuyud) tiba-tiba bu kepsek datang, dia melihat lalu menggelengkan kepalanya sambil melihat Ihin yang sedang memukul Kuyud..
Kepsek : ikut Ibu ke kantor
Di kantor kepsek
Kepsek : ulangan jelek, memukul Oyon, memukul temanmu sendiri, kamu ini siswa atau preman ?Ihin : aku..aku hanyaa....
Kepsek: apa? Kamu mau cari alasan, akan kulaporkan pada Ibumu agar dia merotanmu lagi
Bu Rini : bu kepsek, jangan kasar padanya. Aku yakin dia punya alasan tersendiri untuk itu
Kepsek : kamu ingin membelanya lagi ?
Bu Rini : aa...aku hanya
Ihin : aku hanya berharap Ibuku bisa sembuh, dan merotaniku lagi (Lalu Ihin pergi)
Selain itu nilai ulangan Ihin kali ini hanya 5.5 nilai Dacun 9.1, dan Kuyud 4.2
Dacun : aku mengerti keadaanmu Hin, kau bawa saja kertas ulangan ku , lalu ganti dengan nama muIhin : entahlah, aku tidak yakin
Kuyud : atau kamu ganti saja kertas ku dengan nama mu
Ihin : nilai mu lebih jelek dariku, bodoh
Kuyud : oh iya hehe
Ihin: aku..pulang duluan ya Lalu Ihin pergi ke RS untuk menjenguk ibunya.
Ihin : maaf bu, aku sudah berusaha, tapi Cuma ini yang kubisa
Ibu Ihin lalu mengambil kertas ulangan dan mengenggamnya erat. Tiiiiiiiiiitttt tiba-tiba ibu ihin terdiam membisu. Saat itu Ibu Rini datang.
Ibu Rini : permisi , HinIhin : ibuku sudah ..... (sedih)
Ibu Rini lalu memeriksa Ibu ihin dan..
Ibu Rini: dia masih hidup, panggil dokter!Ibu Ihin lalu dipindahkan ke ruang Intesif
Ibu Rini : aku akan mencarikan donor sumsum itu segera, bersabarlah Ihin
Ihin: terimakasih ya bu, ibu sudah banyak membantuku
3 hari kemudian tiba-tiba RS dipenuhi orang yang berniat mendonorkan sumsum mereka. Tiba-tiba terdaftar Tn. Kuyud
Ihin : apa ayah mu mendaftarkan diri ?Ayah kuyud : benar, aki hanya ingin membantu ayahmu
Dokter : Tn. Kuyud silahkan ....
Tn. Kuyud : iya baiklah dok.
Dokter : apa benar ini nomer registrasi anda ?
Tn.Kuyud : biar ku lihat....mmm sepertinya ini bukan miliku, apa ada Tn. Kuyud yang lain?
Kuyud: ada ayah, itu aku
Ihin : apa ? apa kamu yakin ?
Kuyud : aku yakin hin Tiba-tiba Ibu Kuyud datang
Ibu Kuyud : Kuyuuuud, kan mama sudah bilang, jangan pernah ikut campur urusan orang
Kuyud : berapa kali aku menuruti perintah ibu ?! biarkan kali ini aku memilih jalan ku sendiri
Tn. Kuyud : sudah , biarkan dia mengambil jalan nya
Ibu Kuyud : baiklah, jaga dirimu
Akhirnya Kuyud di bawa ke ruang operasi agar di cangkokan sumsumnya. Diluar ruang operasi semua menunggu dengan cemas hasil operasinya, setalah 2 jam menunggu akhirnya dokter keluar dari ruangan operasi.
Ihin : bagaimana dok operasinya? Ibu ku selamat kan dok?Dokter : tenang tenang operasi berjalan lancar kuyud dan ibu ihin baik baik saja (tersenyum)
Ihin : terima kasih dok telah menyelamatkan ibu dan teman saya
Dokter : sama sama nak, jaga ibu mu baik baik ya
Ihin : iya dok. Tante, om terimakasih ya telah memberi ijin kepada kuyud untuk mendonorkan susum tulang belakanganya untuk ibu ku berkat kuyud ibu ku selamat
Tn.kuyud : iya sama sama ihin, tapi kamu harus janji dengan kami akan memperbaiki nilai mu dan buat bangga ibu mu
Ihin : iya om saya janjji akan memperbaiki nilai saya dan tidak akan menempati kelas buangan lagi.
Keadaan ibu ihin pun perlahan membaik, dan 3 sekawan itu belajar dengan keras agar pindah dari kelas buangan itu ke kelas unggulan. Pada hari ini tepat dimana pembagian rapot kenaikan kelas.Ibu ihin, ibu kuyud, ibu dacun pun sudah memasuki kelas dan menunggu giliran mengambil rapot.
Ibu rini : dipersilahkan kepada orangtua dacun
Ibu dacun : bagaimana bu dengan nilai dacun? Apakah dia akan masuk kelas buangan lagi?
Dacun : ibu sabar, bu rini pasti akan memberitahunya kok
Ibu rini : selamat ya bu dacun mendapat peringkat 5 dan ia tidak akan memasuki kelas buangan lagi
Ibu dacun : alhaddulillah, terima kasih ya bu atas bimbingannya selama ini. Kamu hebat dacun, ibu senang sekali kau bisa berubah berterima kasih lah pada ibu rini karena beliau kamu bisa berubah
Dacun : iya dong bu masa mau jadi peringkat terakhir terus, terima kasih ya bu sudah sabar membimbing saya akhirnya saya bisa naik kelas dan mendapat 5 besar
Ibu rini : iya sama sama nak, di kelas berikutnya kau harus pertahankan ya prestasimu jangan sampai menurun.
Dacun : siap ibu guru
Ibu dacun : sekali lagi terimakasih ya bu (berjabat tangan)
Ibu rini : iya sama sama bu, selanjutnya orang tua dari ihin
Ibu ihin : pagi bu, apakah ihin naik kelas bu?
Ibu rini : naik bu (tersenyum) ihin sekarang sangat baik bu nilainya, ihin selamat ya kau masuk 10 besar nah begini dong buat ibu mu bangga
Ihin : alhamdulillah, ibu aku masuk 10 besar bu, ibu senang kan bu melihat perubahan ihin?
Ibu ihin : (terkejut) alhamdulillah ibu senang sekali nak jangan sampai mendapat nilai jelek ya hin stress ibu kalo kamu begitu lagi, terimakasih ya bu telah sabar membimbing ihin
Ibu rini : iya sama sama bu, benar itu ihin kamu jangan sampai munurun nilainya pertahankan lah buat ibu mu bangga dengan prestasi mu
Ihin : iya bu saya akan memperhankan nilai saya bahkan saya ingin meningkatkannya lagi
Ibu ihin : anak pintar, kalau begitu saya permisi pulang dulu ya bu sekali lagi terimakasih ya bu (berjabat tangan)
Ibu rini : iya sama sama bu, selanjutnya orang tua kuyud
Ibu kuyud : pagi ibu rini, bagaimana nilai kuyud apa masih sama dengan sebelumnya?
Ibu rini : kuyud mengalami peningkatan bu, ia masuk 10 besar seperti ihin. Selamat ya nak
Kuyud : ibuuuuu aku masuk 10 besar senangnya aku ternyata usaha ku ini ada hasilnya juga
Ibu kuyud : alhamdulillah, begitu dong nak selamat ya
Ibu rini : tapi ingat ya kuyud jangan terlalu puas dengan nilai ini karena kamu pasti bisa mendapatkan nilai lebih dari ini, belajar terus ya nak
Ibu kuyud : dengar kan kuyud ibu rini bilang apa, terimakasih ya bu atas bimbingannya
Kuyud : iya buuu kuyud dengar, baik bu rini saya akan lebih baik lagi dikelas berikutnya, terimakasih ya bu
Ibu rini : iya sama sama (tersenyum lega)
Para ibu 3 sekawan itu pun pulang terlebih dahulu namun 3 sekawan itu tidak langsung pulang mereka berkumpul terlebih dahulu.
Kuyud : teman teman aku masuk 10 besar (dengan bahagianya)Ihin : iya, ternyata tidak terlalu sulit ingin menjadi lebih baik jika ada kemauan kita bisa melakukanya, coba kita dari dulu ya seperti ini
Dacun : yasudah yang penting sekarang kita sudah bisa mencapai target tidak akan masuk ke kelas buangan itu lagi dan memuat orang tua kita bangga. Eheem karna aku yang mendapat peringkat paling tinggi dari kalian aku akan mentraktir kalian dikantin, mau?
Ihin & kuyud : maauuuuu, sepuasnya ya cun?
Dacun : sip atur saja. Ayo kita ke kantin !
Dengan rasa bangga, bahagia dan puas karena telah mendapatkan nilai baik mereka menuju kantin untuk merayakan keberhasilan mereka
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
amazing feeling
"I have "your voice" stuck in my head."
yesterday you make me sooo jealous at school. I see you with that girl. always together, even I see you take a photo with her :"(
but at night, you write something for me. you can make me so happy just by saying a few words haha. words cant describe my love for you, your the only person i know that can make me happy. I dunno why but you can make me feel comfort when I near you.
I would probably go insane haha :p
but I lil sad, because my brother still mad of me.
for XI IPA 1 i love youu *HUG*
Rabu, 15 Juni 2011
it's up to me
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
hidden feelings
I've loved him for so long...
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
just nothing
that's annoying me.
btw wish me luck for next week, my 'exam week'. I'm gonna face it. although I'm lazy (sometimes). I'll be good girl for that exam and I wanna have a good score. I'll sick if I must remedial almost all the subject.
hey girl, nice girl. I've nearly finished this picture. I can't wait for you to see the picture I am drawing for you. look out for it at your birthday. that'll be a great gift :)
sorry, I lil mad at you today because you take him into your life (again). I won't see you hurt and cry again because of him. maybe you feel mad or bored with me. I don't mean to set your life but I just want you get a better guy than him. I think he's your nightmare. you say that 'drama' will over at next grade, but see? you say 'yes' to him. it's up to you, I just want protect you as best as I can. just it.
Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
Dad I love you
today is the first day I'm go to school by motorcycle. I'm soooooo glad haha. yea although my father follow me at behind. lil shy, but I'm proud because my Dad love me. he still worry about me, he won't if me get an accident. big hug for you Dad :*
at home I'm said, "Dad, I can ride it haha. don't worry Dad, you can trust me". he said, "I know you can, you can ride it with well but at home I always thinking about you. I always pray for your safety."
honestly lil accident happened, when I want to turn right I nearly crashing vinta's motorcycle. God! I'm so shy, that's embarassing moment. that happened because I ride with Windy. she's so heavy and I can't keep my balance. but I can get home finally.
and today is tired day, because after school I should take math test. I can't imagine how's friday. because there's math test (again), chemistry test, I must make ppt bio for remedial, LKS indonesia language should be done (I haven't worked at all). and monday, there's general test. good. when Desain Grafis lesson, we (xi ipa 1) see ulead's video. we laugh together. I'll miss that moment with you all :)
hem I'll make a PROMISES.
I'm gonna remove your name on my mirror if I have someone who always love me, and can change your possition in my heart! N you're the first person who broke my heart. for the rest of my life, you will always be the one who hurt me the most. Don't forget that.
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
thanks, I know.
I know, a really big secret. She's evil, bad girl. I don't know why, what's my fault? but I think She's hate me. I think She's jealous because I close with A. when stdytr, A's sick. I leave her because I promise to him that I want to take some photos with him, but she's not alone. there's someone else beside her. then A's fainting. when I go back, She's start to mad with me, She's said "why you leave A alone? she's sick!". but after that I apologize to A. I hear She's still talk about it until we back to jakarta. someday they ignore me, they keep silent to me. and it turns out She's behind this all. she said "why arifka so close with them (boys). we should give her a lesson. we just ignore her". then they do it to me. while deep inside I'm bleeding. I close with the boys because when sdytr I sitting in the rear of the bus. I start to talk with A, and She said "what are you doing with her!". now I know She's behavior. when I eating at somewhere, I talk about it with A. she's tell me what happen. then I know. thanks :)
honestly, I'm sick with everyone's around me, with their big fake smile and stupid lies. I'm sick and tired of begging you to act a certain way. fuck you with your selfish ways. and I'm annoyed by your actions but because I'm sick and I don't wanna quarrel with you, I act like I'm okay with it. you will never know how much you hurt me.
today's really fun. I love drama, we have the best class ever :)
I too shy! haha ken still remember that! when we playing together. we were kissing. oh god! he talk to me this evening. the he said "when we playing together, in the refrigerator box, we were kissing haha, that's cool but disgusting". that's really embarrassing moment.
I make the first story deliberately vague.
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
anggun, annisa, annissa, arief, arif, arini, army, arum, avishena, ayang
ayutria, camelia, cindy, clara, dahlia, dessy, dimas, dinah, dwi, enggar
florensia, gede adhi, ifsan, irene, jeinne, nikko, niluh, rahmad, rayyan, safra
edited by me ;)
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Indonesia's wildest, hell-raising chef

Indonesian chef Juna Rorimpandey, 35, describes himself as "the black crayon in the box."
“But you can’t help noticing the black crayon!” he says, laughing.
The heavily tattooed, Harley-riding executive chef at trendy new lounge Jackrabbit has been turning heads with his clever dishes. His Monte Cristo sandwich with homemade jam or the spinach pappardelle with a kick of chili are stunning.
But, as we discovered, it's his rebellious past that marks him out from the crowd.
CNNGo: How fast have you gone on your Harley?
Juna Rorimpandey: Maybe 110 miles per hour. I don’t really pay attention.
I started riding Harleys back in 1992, when I was 17 years old. I was quite the rebel. We used to have this group, Bad Bones, and I was one of the founders. We were pretty scary, we rode fast, we didn’t care where we went.
I’m one of those guys who likes an adrenaline rush. I do a lot of stupid, silly adventures, and riding bikes is one of them.
CNNGo: When did you last break the law?
Juna Rorimpandey: A few months ago I bribed the cops for some stupid traffic violation.
The last time I got caught, though, was in the United States at the end of 2006. A street fight. It was like the show “Cops,” when you try to take off and cops are coming from all directions, and they throw guns on you.
It was an everybody on the ground kind of deal, and we were all handcuffed in the middle of the street.
CNNGo: What was it about?
Juna Rorimpandey: My friend was in a car accident and the guys he rear-ended beat him up, so he called us and when we got there it was already a fight, so we just jumped in.
Unluckily, I had to be the one who pushed the envelope. I went to jail for two days, had a court trial, probation, community service because I got pinned the hardest. I pretty much demolished the other guy’s car, a BMW.
CNNGo: What’s the closest you’ve ever come to death?
Juna Rorimpandey: Uhhhh, I’ve been kidnapped; tortured; almost got shot in the head; overdosed and woke up in the hospital still foaming from my mouth, needle still hanging in my vein while I was passed out.
You name it. I’ve lost count. There’s nothing cool about that. I had my crazy years.
CNNGo: What were you kidnapped for?
Juna Rorimpandey: I have a strong personality and I don’t bow down just because you’re the son of a general and you try to buy me. But that was before, now I’m wiser.
CNNGo: How drunk have you been at work?
Juna Rorimpandey: In the States I used to be a sushi master and customers would buy us drinks. The more we got tipsy the faster we would make sushi.
Actually, I enforce drinking at work on weekends. Every Friday or Saturday when the guys do a great job I make shots for everybody.
They call it the speed rail shot because I mix up everything on the [bar]. To me it’s nothing, but I have to challenge them with rock-paper-scissors just to get them to drink. It’s silly, but life is short.
CNNGo: You no longer do drugs or smoke, even though most of your friends do. Why?
Juna Rorimpandey: I’m always the different kid. I never followed the trend. People say it’s hard to quit smoking, but I think that’s a bunch of BS. To me it’s all in the mind.
CNNGo: What would you love to tell diners who complain about the food?
Juna Rorimpandey: I have no comment. I’m not an asshole about that kind of thing.
CNNGo:You love working with meat, so what do you think of vegetarians ?
Juna Rorimpandey: I don’t understand the talk behind it because I’m a cannibal; I eat everything.
Anything that God created, you can kill it and eat it, as long as you kill and eat it and don’t just kill it for fun. I’m not really religious but it does say in the Bible that you’re the master of all living things on this Earth, as long as you don’t abuse that.
CNNGo: Who would be your three fantasy dinner guests?
Juna Rorimpandey: Anthony Bourdain, just because he’s a rebel. And then probably two of my favorite chefs, Thomas Keller [from French Laundry] and Marco Pierre White. He made [Gordon Ramsey] cry. Now there’s a bad boy in the kitchen.
CNNGo: Have you ever made anybody cry?
Juna Rorimpandey: Yes. I made somebody here quit on the spot just because I slammed a wall that happened to be made of stainless steel. I don’t do that often. It was just a terrible lunch service.
CNNGo: One thing you will never put in a dish and why?
Juna Rorimpandey: I’ll use anything.
CNNGo: Your tattoos draw a lot of attention. What’s special about them?
Juna Rorimpandey: I had my back started when I was 15 in Bali; it was a homemade machine with a single sewing needle. It was really primitive.
This one [on my right shin] is three chefs, a French executive chef, an American burger flipper and a Japanese sushi master, so it kind of resembles me, all the three combined.
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011
some words mean everything
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
masked ball
looks pretty right? haha. with Nicelena Earrings, Bvlgari Necklace, pull and bear Necklace, Litmarck Necklace, stine goya Necklace and Lotta Djossou Necklace. looks beauty with Pom Pom Parlour Glasses, Ann Christine Dress, Jenny Winding Sweater and Manish Arora Shoes. more complete with Wolford Tights and Van Deurs Bag. she's ready go to the party!
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
I've just recovered from my illness. honestly I hate being sick because I hate how the medicine I take makes me just wanna sleep all the time. I know I hate it this, but if I don't take this medicine it's only gonna get worse. but I feel fine, right now :)
at tuesday I go to sevel kemang with gendra. then we go to pim just for lunch. I see Stitch's doll, that's look so cuteee. I want it, but it's to expensive for me, Rp.600.000,- whatthehell. then we go to margo city depok, just sitting at j.co. I buy jcool. gendra buy jcool and coffee.
Jumat, 13 Mei 2011
today is first day of period I 'M'. my tummy has so sick and my leg feels stiff. and also my head get sore, I feel fever. when I get home, I laying on my bed. I'm crying because it's so painful. after that I eating then I taking medicine and sleep. I wake up at 22.30, I'm listening radio. I writing on twitter "Scary story at 99.00 fm, go turn on your radio now! you can hear some great story that will make you scared!". but I'm not scared yet haha
I feel better after sleep. at 23.30 I turn on my computer. I working for colloid and math, I starving and feels sleepy. after I finish all of it, I'm gonna drawing for english assignment, and learning katakana and hiragana word, that's for japan practice exam.
at school I feels so dizzy. my body feels weak and limp and I can't think clearly. I just thinking "I wanna get home and sleep!" I cried inside. like usually they really annoying. I hate 'em. when art practice exam, yoga sitting beside me and he bite my hand! and there's still scars -.-
the time is 03.00 now! I must working hard for today!
good luck and get well soon for me ;)
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
thanks for the party flo! :D
I'm happy. I meet him and tadaaaaaaa haha. he's so handsome and cool just with simple clothes. honestly I'm envy with the others. they are so cute, pretty, sexy, with the dress and heels. me? just wearing jeans, tshirt with jacket, shoes, and veil. but I'm proud wearing that. I still can keep my 'aurat' :)
hey I always dreaming about you almost everyday, and Idk why. I think because I meet you at school monday-friday, or I miss your jokes especially when you tease me?
for you girl, I really happy. I'm just pretending and I'm not going to take care of you. sorry. got it? am I cruel? I think not.
I hate when I get really sleepy but I can't sleep, or I really wanted to sleep but I'm not sleepy at all. and it happens all the time. great. okay I'll try to sleep now. because I have practice exam for tommorow and I must go to school. and I'll meet him again! haha
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
I'm ☹
if you hear someone say: "she heard enough and was hurt, she walked away tears ran down her face!". that's me. today is a bad day. idk who's people who want to hear my problem, so I write in here. I had a problem and I want to make it go away from my mind.
I'm not arguing, I'm quiet, and I was thinking deeply. even though it seemed like I did, I don't have a best friend. but I just have a close friend. not "best". yeah. best friend will never blame one another, not rude, not let their friend feel alone, can make their friend comfort.
and now, I think we began to hide something one another, not care anymore, just think about yourself, not think about what I feel because your atitude. that's okay. so if nobody care about my feelings, why should I care about theirs?
if I could skip all the bad days of my life. god please help! :(
oh crap, I'm still dizzy.
In the other side, I want to tell about my heart's feel. ha!
it was weird at first because I never feel like this before. I like someone. Idk why I can falling in love with him, we're different religion, and I know we can't be together. so how we would can be? friends, be in love, or nothing? we'll never be in-between.
for whatever reason, I can't stop think of you, even though I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head. everyday I thinking "don't you know how much I miss you Di? I just want to know how you are doing now." okay that's weird ._.
monday-friday. I love when you're hold my hand, hug me from behind, act stupid just to make me smile, stare at me face while I'm not looking, pinch my cheeks, hit me suddenly -_-
I like you as my friend. just it.
but I recognize, if you close with her I was jealous, that's all. thanks. bye.
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
thanks to XI IPA 1, I never forget this moment even just 4 days!
windy, ayu, putri. they are people who sleep with me everynight (?) haha
big thanks to yoga because you accompany me when at Borobudur and Dieng. for people who sitting in the rear of the bus, you're so crazy!
the first time we together all along time and we can be so close :3
these are some photos of studytour :
first place, Baturaden

Rosenda Hotel

I love you all :")
Sabtu, 30 April 2011
Don't be afraid to be yourself!
I touchy
I rarely smile with anyone.
I cry easily, but I can't show it if there's many people.
I have a bad temper.
I ever smoked but I've stop it since I wearing veil
I can fall in love easily. dammit.
I'm a sucker for horror movies. Even the bad ones.
honey star is my all time favorite snack.
chucky's doll! I deeply want this!
I have kind of an obsessive personality. When I like something, I love it.
I still watch Spongebob Squarepants.
I am still lil afraid of the dark, especially when I let my imagination run wild.
I was a total tomboy growing up. Sometimes, I still am.
I've wearing glasses since 4th grade.
I love goosebumps's book!
I've been wearing braces about 2 years
Sometimes I hate feel alone when there's many people around me.
I love drawing
and I'm proud to be my self :)
Jumat, 15 April 2011
surprises for our chairman class
he's 17! his birthday on april 10, but we (xi ipa 1) celebrate his birthday on 11. after school, we make surprise for him. when we come to his house, he was go to make ktp. when he come and open the door, suddenly we singing 'Happy Birthday' for him. after that, we throw and spill some eggs and wheat flour to him haha. I borrow his camera to take some pict at this moment. it was fun :)

Sabtu, 09 April 2011
that's really me
it just simple style but looks cool for me. with Gold Digger Earrings, Thomas Sabo Necklace, Monore Necklace, 2 Blimey Necklace, Lotta Djossou Necklace and Playwatch Necklace. more cool with tattoo on right arm, camera and apple in her right hand. look simple with Levi's Top, United Colors of Benetton Pants and All Star Converse Shoes. more complete with Vogue Tights, Wolford Tights and Miu Miu Bag. underwear used is Bikini O* S fashion.